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joint stock company [corporation] 股份公司。

joint venture

Exit the problem that partner meets about partner , the partner of the joint stock company , in principle cannot be removed endowment exit share , if this him partner wants to exit share , the share that via partner conference member agrees with to be able to make over his calls in thereby oneself investment exits partner to meet 關于股東退出股東會的問題,股份制企業的股東,原則上不能撤資退出股份,假如該股東自己要退出股份,經股東會成員同意可以轉讓自己的股份從而收回自己的投資退出股東會。

In case a company , other than an investment company or holding company as specified by the state council , invests in other limited liability companies or joint stock companies , the aggregated amount of such investments shall not exceed fifty percent of its net assets ; after the initial investment , the increase therein resulting from capitalization of the profit derived from the company invested in shall not be included 公司向其他有限責任公司、股份有限公司投資,除國務院規定的投資公司和控股公司外,所累計投資額不得超過本公司凈資產的百分之五十,在投資后,接受被投資公司以利潤轉增的資本,其增加額不包括在內。 ”

We are focus in the financial field , we have 7 wholly - owned subsidiary and 3 joint stock companies , our business cover pay & settlement agent , software design , express delivery of material flow , advertising marketing , customer service , it agent , credit manage and dun , credit card marketing agent and guarantee and investment 公司專注于金融領域,目前擁有7家全資子公司及3家參股公司,提供包括支付結算代理、軟件開發、物流速遞、廣告營銷、客戶服務、 it代理、信用管理、信用卡營銷代理及擔保投資等業務在內的全方位金融企業外包式服務。

Company of state - owned company , investment of cooperative , foreign trader , private enterprise , joint stock company ) , unit of company of blame of organization of mechanism , institution , society , run by the local people and its worker , must attend insurance of primary medical treatment according to national regulation 國有企業、集體企業、外商投資企業、私營企業、股份制企業等) 、機關、事業單位、社會團體、民辦非企業單位及其職工,都必須按照國家規定參加基本醫療保險。

Ningbo megabit photoelectric science & tech - nology co . , ltd . is located at the east garden of guanhaiwei indutrial at the east garden of guanhaiwei industrial zone , cixi city of zhejiang province . which is a private joint stock company established in accordance with modern enterprise integrating r & d , production and trade into one 寧波兆比特光電科技有限公司位于浙江省慈溪市觀海衛鎮工業園東區,是一家以現代企業制度組建的民營股份制公司,集科、工、貿為一體的高新技術企業。

The mentality of this article is first embarks from the modern joint stock company , emits the environmental factor of the system . then analyzes the cash rewards and the stock or stock time power drive effects separately from the pure technical angle . and then unifies the two , find the reasonable way of superintendents ’ salary arrangement 本文的思路是首先從現代股份制公司出發,抽象掉制度環境因素,從純技術的角度分析影響管理者報酬構成的具體因素,分別探討現金報酬、股票和股票期權激勵的效應,然后把二者結合起來,找到合理的管理者的薪酬安排方式。

Lukewarm state city fine connect dress to pack limited company to found 1991 , it is the area austral short for zhejiang province starts one the earliest specializations the joint stock company of the product of management production dress that pack 溫州市嘉通服飾包裝有限公司創建于一九九一年,是浙南地區起步最早的一家專業化經營生產服飾包裝產品的股份制企業。

Rbcd is a foreign - invested joint stock company between bosch and the weifu group . the company currently employs 1 , 700 associates and encompasses an area of approximately 80 , 000 square meters of buildings 博世汽車柴油系統股份有限公司是由博世公司和無錫威孚集團合資成立的一個外商投資股份有限公司。公司現有員工1700多名,建筑面積達8萬平方米左右。

Legal person ( unit ) the main component that is structure of equity of our country joint stock company , also be a kind of share with the most cross in process of development of our country security market at the same time 法人(單位)股是我國股份制企業股權結構的重要組成部分,同時也是我國證券市場發展過程中磨難最多的一種股份。

In the evening of 5 4 2006 , at the grand theatre in hanoi , saigon kymdan rubber joint stock company officially received the prize of being one of the 10 best - known brand names in vietnam Kymdan公司正式獲得由越南工業商務處vcci配合life media公司和acnielsen市場研究公司聯合舉辦的主辦單位頒授“越南十大名優品牌”獎。

Wenzhou city tiebao fastener co . , ltd . is a joint stock company limited approved by wenzhou city industrial and commercial administration and a key enterprise producing standard parts in south zhejiang 溫州鐵豹緊固件有限公司,是經溫州市工商行政管理局批準的有限公司,是浙南具有一定實力的標準件生產企業。

Jiangnan acoustic factory was established in 1988 . it is a joint stock company which develops produce and manages buzzer ( magnet buzzer & piezo buzzer ) , mylar speaker and transducer etc 武進市江南訊響器廠成立于1988年,是一家專業開發.生產.銷售蜂鳴器(電磁式&壓電式) ,薄型喇叭和駐極體傳聲器等股份制企業

Article 2 . this company is a joint stock company limited by shares ( hereinafter referred to as “ company “ ) established according to [ name of the applicable laws and regulations ] and other relevant provisions 第二條公司系依照法規名稱和其他有關規定成立的股份有限公司(以下簡稱“公司“ ) 。

For a joint stock limited company established according to this law , it shall indicate in its company name the words “ joint stock limited company “ or “ joint stock company “ 依照本法設立的股份有限公司,必須在公司名稱中標明股份有限公司或者股份公司字樣。

Established in 2000 , shenyang long qi trading co . , ltd is a joint stock company highly specialized in automotive parts and the checking equipments 沈陽隆祺商貿有限公司創始于2000年,是一家專門從事汽車配件及汽車檢測設備貿易的股份制企業。

As to distribute capital fund correctly , should according to “ company method “ undertake with the constitution of this joint stock company 至于正確分配資產,應依照《公司法》和本股份制企業的章程進行。